Ages 6+

Step Into Reading Step 3 Book: Kaya Rides to the Rescue

Kaya is a Nez Perce girl who takes pride in helping out and supporting the ...

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Kaya is a Nez Perce girl who takes pride in helping out and supporting the tribe—and also in her beloved horse, Steps High. But when she chooses racing her horse over family responsibilities, Kaya has to prove herself to earn her tribe’s respect. Kaya’s story of adventure in the wilderness is sure to engage today's readers as they learn what it was like to be a Native American girl in 1764 in this Step 3 Step into Reading leveled reader, based on an American Girl story by Janet Shaw. Includes a pull-out poster! 32 pages. Paperback. Author: Emma Carlson Berne.

Reading age: 5 to 8 years
Grade level: Kindergarten to 3 SKU#: HLY27
  • Dimensions: W: 6” x H: 9”

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Step Into Reading Step 3 Book: Kaya Rides to the Rescue
Step Into Reading Step 3 Book: Kaya Rides to th...