Storytelling has been an important and special part of American Girl for more than 30 years. Our books invite girls to journey with dynamic characters to distant times or places, consider different perspectives, learn about events and themes central to their—and others’—lives, try exciting projects and fun activities, imagine fresh possibilities for themselves as their own stories unfold, and experience the pure joy that comes from immersing herself in a good read.
This summer, encourage your girl’s love of reading—and inspire her to try reading a variety of genres! Graphic novels, biographies, choose-your-own-adventure tales, chapter books, and great how-to guides all approach storytelling in different and exciting ways—and our Summer Reading List offers lots of suggestions to get you started.
Up for the challenge? Here’s what to do:
Help your girl choose one title from each category, below, to read. Exploring can be half the fun, so talk to the librarian at your local library, search for book summaries and reviews online to share with your girl, or strike up a conversation with other book-loving friends to see which books get your girl the most excited.
Download, print, and make this fun bookmark set. Your girl can keep track of her place and her progress with our exclusive Summer Reading Challenge bookmark. Our printable sheet includes a bookmark and 5 reading badges, one for each category. Let your girl cut out the bookmark and top it with a pretty ribbon—and hang on to those badges! You’ll need them to reward your girl’s reading progress.
Each time she completes a category, add a badge to her bookmark. Simply cut out the badges and tape or glue them to her bookmark as she works through her reading list. She’ll complete the challenge by collecting one badge from each category.

Summer Reading List
Here are 25 great suggestions to get you started:
Looking for even more great book recommendations? Visit American Girl’s Summer Reading page!
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